Growing hemp has been illegal for almost a full century, which has prevented researchers from being able to learn about all of the benefits associated with it. In 1916 the chief scientists at the United States Department of Agriculture, Jason Merrill and Lyster Dewey, created paper that was made out of the inner portion of the hemp stem. They said the paper was favorable when compared to paper made from pulp wood. However, their findings were never confirmed due to the misconception that hemp could get you high because it contains THC. Researchers were able to determine that hemp only contains a minimal amount of THC when compared to the recreational form of cannabis.
Growing hemp has been illegal for almost a full century, which has prevented researchers from being able to learn about all of the benefits associated with it. In 1916 the chief scientists at the United States Department of Agriculture, Jason Merrill and Lyster Dewey, created paper that was made out of the inner portion of the hemp stem. They said the paper was favorable when compared to paper made from pulp wood. However, their findings were never confirmed due to the misconception that hemp could get you high because it contains THC. Researchers were able to determine that hemp only contains a minimal amount of THC when compared to the recreational form of cannabis.
Five Major Benefits of Hemp
1. Hemp can be used to make paper and it only takes a couple of months to grow. Hemp is very environmentally friendly. It is naturally acid free and can be recycled up to 7 times (normal paper can be recycled up to 3 times). During the process of converting hemp into paper, millions of pounds of toxic pollution are not released into the air.
2. Hemp can be used to make clothing and the material gets softer every time you wash it. Hemp will keep you cool during the summer and it will keep your four times warmer than regular cotton during the winter. It only takes one acre of hemp to produce as much material as 2 acres of cotton.
3. Hemp can be turned into a variety of building materials (i.e. fiber board, carpet, stucco, cement blocks, insulations, and plastic). You can build a wall out of hemp that is rot free, pest free, mold free, fire resistant, and will last 500 years. You can also make biodegradable plastic out of hemp.
4. Hemp can be turned into fuel that can be used in your car today. This is done by pressing the hempseed and turning its oil into a biodiesel that is completely biodegradable, smells better, and is cleaner for the air. Hemp isn’t the best alternative for fuel but it is good because it can be used with all vehicles today without making alterations to the vehicle.
5. Hemp can be used as a supplement for nutrition. Hemp is high in protein, contains essential omega 3 & 6 fatty acids, potassium, and dietary fiber.