ACB $1.430 (1.42%)
ACNNF $0.030 (0%)
AERO $3.210 (0%)
ALEAF $0.050 (-14.97%)
AMMJ $0.048 (12.81%)
APHA $15.380 (0%)
ARNA $99.990 (0%)
ATT:CNX $0.080 (0%)
AUSA:CNX $0.065 (0%)
AUSAF $0.050 (0%)
AVXL $11.060 (-0.98%)
BAMM:CNX $0.130 (0%)
BBM:CNX $0.030 (-14.29%)
BBRRF $0.027 (-3.27%)
BE:CNX $0.005 (0%)
BIO:CNX $0.013 (0%)
BLIS:CNX $0.315 (0%)
BLO:CNX $0.395 (2.6%)
BLOZF $0.308 (2.5%)
BUDZ $0.100 (-9.09%)
CADMF $0.052 (0%)
CALI:CNX $0.085 (13.33%)
CANN $0.230 (-2.13%)
CARA $9.060 (-6.69%)
CBWTF $0.062 (0.16%)
CGC $2.540 (-0.97%)
CGRW $0.016 (-22%)
CHOO:CNX $0.005 (0%)
CHOOF $0.003 (-16%)
CNBX $3.990 (0%)
CNGGF $0.203 (0%)
CODI $22.680 (0.22%)
CPMD $0.020 (-4.81%)
CRBP $0.281 (0.07%)
CRON $3.050 (0.33%)
CROP:CNX $0.015 (0%)
CSI:CNX $0.070 (-12.5%)
CURR $0.349 (2.65%)
CVSI $0.033 (7.49%)
DIGP $0.014 (0%)
EEVVF $0.078 (0%)
EMHTF $0.039 (10.17%)
EPWCF $0.059 (0%)
FFT:CNX $0.040 (0%)
FNNZF $0.075 (13.64%)
GNBT $0.001 (0%)
GRIN:CNX $0.075 (-16.67%)
GRWG $4.840 (-1.83%)
GTBIF $10.150 (-1.46%)
GTII:CNX $13.090 (-1.65%)
GWPH $218.960 (0%)
HEXO $0.196 (-0.56%)
HHPHF $0.079 (0%)
HLSPY $0.363 (0%)
HMLSF $2.800 (0%)
HMPPF $0.498 (0%)
HRVOF $0.023 (-11.07%)
HSTRF $0.135 (0%)
HUGE:CNX $1.180 (-1.67%)
IAN:CNX $0.075 (0%)
IGC $0.520 (-3.02%)
IGXT $0.219 (13.76%)
IIPR $92.910 (-2.5%)
INQD $0.009 (-3.23%)
IONC:CNX $0.005 (0%)
IONKF $0.005 (-2.04%)
ISOL:CNX $0.035 (0%)
ITHUF $0.062 (5.65%)
KBEV:CNX $0.045 (0%)
KHRNF $0.091 (-2.15%)
KSHB $0.695 (0%)
LHS:CNX $1.470 (0%)
LHSIF $1.145 (0%)
LXX:CNX $8.400 (0%)
MCIG $0.028 (0%)
MEDIF $0.057 (1.15%)
MGWFF $0.060 (9.57%)
MJ:CNX $0.050 (0%)
MJNA $0.015 (1.4%)
MNTR $0.040 (0%)
MYM:CNX $0.140 (0%)
MYMMF $0.106 (0%)
NCNNF $0.058 (0%)
NDVAF $0.111 (-6.17%)
NGW:CNX $0.410 (0%)
NRXCF $0.035 (0%)
NSPDF $0.010 (-23.53%)
NVTQF $0.596 (0%)
NWKRF $0.424 (0%)
NXGWF $0.316 (0%)
NXTTF $0.033 (6.61%)
OH:CNX $5.330 (0%)
ORHOF $4.050 (0%)
PHCG $0.001 (0%)
PHVAF $0.038 (0%)
PILL:CNX $0.230 (-17.86%)
PKG:CNX $0.020 (-20%)
PLPRF $0.357 (0%)
PLUS:CNX $0.440 (0%)
PMCB $2.420 (0%)
PNPL $0.012 (0%)
PTNYF $0.018 (3.24%)
QCA:CNX $0.095 (-5%)
RDDTF $0.020 (1.53%)
RLLVF $0.001 (0%)
RMHB $0.028 (2.8%)
RQB:CNX $0.005 (0%)
RQHTF $0.448 (2.99%)
SLNG:CNX $0.095 (-9.52%)
SMG $83.180 (-1.21%)
SNN:CNX $0.155 (0%)
SOL:CNX $0.320 (0%)
SOLCF $0.250 (0%)
SPLIF $0.016 (-15.79%)
SPRWF $0.268 (0%)
STEM:CNX $0.035 (0%)
STMH $0.028 (1.45%)
SUN:CNX $0.150 (0%)
TBPMF $0.052 (3.82%)
TCAN:CNX $0.135 (0%)
TCNAF $0.080 (0%)
TER:CNX $3.480 (-0.57%)
TGEN $1.200 (0%)
TGIF:CNX $0.025 (-16.67%)
TGIFF $0.020 (-12.28%)
THC:CNX $0.048 (0%)
THCBF $0.044 (12.85%)
TLRY $3.540 (1.14%)
TRLFF $0.035 (0%)
TRSSF $2.710 (0.37%)
TURV $0.001 (0%)
VIDA:CNX $0.055 (0%)
VIN:CNX $0.015 (0%)
VPRB $0.047 (-6%)
VRTHF $0.026 (0%)
VVCIF $0.035 (-8.14%)
WAYL:CNX $0.740 (0%)
XXII $1.740 (-12.12%)
ZDPY $0.740 (-2.63%)
ZYNE $1.190 (-0.83%)
One of the major pushbacks that federal marijuana reform faces is the difficulty associated with detecting marijuana on drivers. Marijuana intoxication typically requires a blood test to confirm that the driver has marijuana in their system.Tougher to detect marijuana than alcohol Police officers find it much more difficult to detect…
The cannabis industry is the hottest industry in the United States and it is growing at a rapid rate. This growth has led to a surge in the number of publicly traded cannabis companies. There are more 250 such companies and most of them will dissolve or shut down over…
President Obama recently stated that the divide between Republicans and Democrats on marijuana politics is narrowing. One of the most recent examples of this trend is in Tennessee. Legislation to allow marijuana for medicinal usage has been introduced by Nashville Republican Senator Steve Dickerson and Cookeville Republican Representative Ryan Williams."We…
The New Mexico State Senate passed a bill that would reduce the penalties associated with the possession of marijuana. The bill had bipartisan support from Senate members and the bill now advances to the House of Representatives.The state voted on similar legislation in 2013. The bill passed the House of…
California State Senator Barbara Boxer announced her support for the bipartisan bill that would effectively end the federal ban on medical marijuana and implement a series of reforms.Senator Rand Paul (Ky.), Cory Booker (N.J.), and Kirsten Gillibrand (N.Y.) introduced the bill last week. Among its many provisions, the bill would…
President Barack Obama recently stated that the divide between Republicans and Democrats on marijuana politics is narrowing. He went on to say that he is encouraged by recent developments because liberal Democrats are no longer the only supporters of legal marijuana. Conservative Republicans have come on board too. He is…
One of the biggest problems that cannabis companies face is capital. Banks do not want to work with cannabis companies because cannabis is still illegal at the federal level. Every problem has a solution and CannaFundr has an answer for this problem. CannaFundr offers startup companies access to capital through…
On March 25th marijuana prohibition will be ruled to be unconstitutional in California. That is the day that Judge Mueller will announce her verdict on United States v. Schweder.If Judge Mueller rules in favor of Schweder, we will for sure see an appeal. The case will then go to the…
Although support for easing medical marijuana regulations has grown significantly over the last two years, there are still some doubters. Recent developments out of Texas may turn some of the remaining skeptics into believers.On Friday, Texas lawmakers introduced legislation that would allow patients suffering from serious conditions, such as cancer…
GW Pharmaceutical (GWPH: NASDAQ) has quietly outperformed most of its fellow NASDAQ companies during 2015 and Technical420 has been recommending them the whole time. GWPH is up over 10% today and over 36% this year. The company manufactures and sells the first prescribed cannabis-based medicine in over 20 countries and…