ACB $1.430 (1.42%)
ACNNF $0.030 (0%)
AERO $3.210 (0%)
ALEAF $0.050 (-14.97%)
AMMJ $0.048 (12.81%)
APHA $15.380 (0%)
ARNA $99.990 (0%)
ATT:CNX $0.080 (0%)
AUSA:CNX $0.065 (0%)
AUSAF $0.050 (0%)
AVXL $11.060 (-0.98%)
BAMM:CNX $0.130 (0%)
BBM:CNX $0.030 (-14.29%)
BBRRF $0.027 (-3.27%)
BE:CNX $0.005 (0%)
BIO:CNX $0.013 (0%)
BLIS:CNX $0.315 (0%)
BLO:CNX $0.395 (2.6%)
BLOZF $0.308 (2.5%)
BUDZ $0.100 (-9.09%)
CADMF $0.052 (0%)
CALI:CNX $0.085 (13.33%)
CANN $0.230 (-2.13%)
CARA $9.060 (-6.69%)
CBWTF $0.062 (0.16%)
CGC $2.540 (-0.97%)
CGRW $0.016 (-22%)
CHOO:CNX $0.005 (0%)
CHOOF $0.003 (-16%)
CNBX $3.990 (0%)
CNGGF $0.203 (0%)
CODI $22.680 (0.22%)
CPMD $0.020 (-4.81%)
CRBP $0.281 (0.07%)
CRON $3.050 (0.33%)
CROP:CNX $0.015 (0%)
CSI:CNX $0.070 (-12.5%)
CURR $0.349 (2.65%)
CVSI $0.033 (7.49%)
DIGP $0.014 (0%)
EEVVF $0.078 (0%)
EMHTF $0.039 (10.17%)
EPWCF $0.059 (0%)
FFT:CNX $0.040 (0%)
FNNZF $0.075 (13.64%)
GNBT $0.001 (0%)
GRIN:CNX $0.075 (-16.67%)
GRWG $4.840 (-1.83%)
GTBIF $10.150 (-1.46%)
GTII:CNX $13.090 (-1.65%)
GWPH $218.960 (0%)
HEXO $0.196 (-0.56%)
HHPHF $0.079 (0%)
HLSPY $0.363 (0%)
HMLSF $2.800 (0%)
HMPPF $0.498 (0%)
HRVOF $0.023 (-11.07%)
HSTRF $0.135 (0%)
HUGE:CNX $1.180 (-1.67%)
IAN:CNX $0.075 (0%)
IGC $0.520 (-3.02%)
IGXT $0.219 (13.76%)
IIPR $92.910 (-2.5%)
INQD $0.009 (-3.23%)
IONC:CNX $0.005 (0%)
IONKF $0.005 (-2.04%)
ISOL:CNX $0.035 (0%)
ITHUF $0.062 (5.65%)
KBEV:CNX $0.045 (0%)
KHRNF $0.091 (-2.15%)
KSHB $0.695 (0%)
LHS:CNX $1.470 (0%)
LHSIF $1.145 (0%)
LXX:CNX $8.400 (0%)
MCIG $0.028 (0%)
MEDIF $0.057 (1.15%)
MGWFF $0.060 (9.57%)
MJ:CNX $0.050 (0%)
MJNA $0.015 (1.4%)
MNTR $0.040 (0%)
MYM:CNX $0.140 (0%)
MYMMF $0.106 (0%)
NCNNF $0.058 (0%)
NDVAF $0.111 (-6.17%)
NGW:CNX $0.410 (0%)
NRXCF $0.035 (0%)
NSPDF $0.010 (-23.53%)
NVTQF $0.596 (0%)
NWKRF $0.424 (0%)
NXGWF $0.316 (0%)
NXTTF $0.033 (6.61%)
OH:CNX $5.330 (0%)
ORHOF $4.050 (0%)
PHCG $0.001 (0%)
PHVAF $0.038 (0%)
PILL:CNX $0.230 (-17.86%)
PKG:CNX $0.020 (-20%)
PLPRF $0.357 (0%)
PLUS:CNX $0.440 (0%)
PMCB $2.420 (0%)
PNPL $0.012 (0%)
PTNYF $0.018 (3.24%)
QCA:CNX $0.095 (-5%)
RDDTF $0.020 (1.53%)
RLLVF $0.001 (0%)
RMHB $0.028 (2.8%)
RQB:CNX $0.005 (0%)
RQHTF $0.448 (2.99%)
SLNG:CNX $0.095 (-9.52%)
SMG $83.180 (-1.21%)
SNN:CNX $0.155 (0%)
SOL:CNX $0.320 (0%)
SOLCF $0.250 (0%)
SPLIF $0.016 (-15.79%)
SPRWF $0.268 (0%)
STEM:CNX $0.035 (0%)
STMH $0.028 (1.45%)
SUN:CNX $0.150 (0%)
TBPMF $0.052 (3.82%)
TCAN:CNX $0.135 (0%)
TCNAF $0.080 (0%)
TER:CNX $3.480 (-0.57%)
TGEN $1.200 (0%)
TGIF:CNX $0.025 (-16.67%)
TGIFF $0.020 (-12.28%)
THC:CNX $0.048 (0%)
THCBF $0.044 (12.85%)
TLRY $3.540 (1.14%)
TRLFF $0.035 (0%)
TRSSF $2.710 (0.37%)
TURV $0.001 (0%)
VIDA:CNX $0.055 (0%)
VIN:CNX $0.015 (0%)
VPRB $0.047 (-6%)
VRTHF $0.026 (0%)
VVCIF $0.035 (-8.14%)
WAYL:CNX $0.740 (0%)
XXII $1.740 (-12.12%)
ZDPY $0.740 (-2.63%)
ZYNE $1.190 (-0.83%)
The cannabis industry made significant strides during 2016 and we think this is just the beginning…Although 2016 was a banner year for the cannabis industry, we expect 2017 to be even more significant. As we approach the end of 2016, we want to take the opportunity to highlight the most…
Canabo Medical closed an $8.4 million financing agreement at a more than 60% premium to yesterday’s closing price with Canadian licensed medical cannabis producer Aphria.Canabo Medical owns and operates CMC Clinics, the largest chain of medical cannabis clinics in Canada. The company trades in both the U.S and Canadian stock…
Although the cannabis industry is the fastest growing industry in the world, investors need to be selective, conduct thorough due diligence, and understand who and what they are investing in before buying in.The emergence of the cannabis industry has led to an influx in the number of publicly traded companies…
The cannabis industry has been under pressure despite favorable state-wide election results in early November.From an overextended industry-wide rally to highly questionable cabinet nominations by President-elect Donald Trump, concerns among cannabis investors have increased significantly over the last month.In an effort to help improve investor education, we want to provide…
Agencies across the globe continue to recognize the medical benefits associated with cannabis. It is only a matter of time before this incredible plant will be legalized in the United States.From the National Cancer Institute (NCI) to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), the medical benefits associated with cannabis…
From strategic partnerships to new management members, 2016 has been a banner year for MassRoots and yesterday the social network announced another significant development. After the market closed, MassRoots announced that it has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire DDDigtal Inc., which does business as Whaxy and Cannabuild, for…
Publicly traded companies levered to the Canadian medical cannabis industry came down from their highs yesterday and many investors are trying to determine why…Although there was no specific reason for this weakness, we think these stocks moved lower due to concerns as to the expected start date for the country’s…
The Canadian cannabis industry has made significant strides over the last year and although licensed producers have been in the spotlight, other companies have also benefited from this movement.One company we have been watching is Lexaria Bioscience (LXRP) which is levered to the North American cannabis industry. Over the last…
The cannabis sector has been under pressure as the result of several factors.From an overextended industry wide rally to highly questionable cabinet nominations by president elect Donald Trump, concerns among cannabis investors have increased despite favorable state-wide election results.Although we think that some of this weakness is overdone, we expect…
Activity within the Canadian cannabis industry has picked up over the last two weeks and we believe this is just beginning as the month of December has been highlighted by increased M&A activity, company funding agreements and new investment opportunities.One of the most highly anticipated initial public offerings (IPO) will…