Marijuana legalization has been a hot topic at both the state and federal level, and things are just getting started. 23 states and the District of Columbia have legalized medical marijuana, however, marijuana is still classified as a Schedule I substance. Technical420 believes that is only a matter of time until marijuana is legalized at the federal level and it would be impossible to halt the progress made over the last year. So what is going on at the federal and state level?
Federal Legislation:
- Federal: Members of Congress move to exclude hemp from the Controlled Substances Act.
State Legislation: Legalization
- Arizona: Introduced a measure to de-felonize marijuana penalties
- Connecticut: Introduced a measure to legalize marijuana
- Hawaii: Introduced a measure to legalize marijuana
- Illinois: Introduced a measure to legalize marijuana
- Maine: Plans to introduce a measure that legalizes marijuana
- Maryland: Introduced a measure to legalize marijuana
- Massachusetts: Introduced a measure to legalize marijuana
- Nevada: Lawmakers are expected to debate legalizing marijuana
- New Jersey: Plans to introduce a measure that legalizes marijuana in 2015
- New Mexico: The Senate committee approved a bill that legalizes marijuana
- New York: Introduced a measure to legalize marijuana commerce
- Vermont: Introduced a measure to the Senate to legalize marijuana
State Legislation: Decriminalization
- Delaware: Lawmakers plan to debate a measure that decriminalizes marijuana
- Hawaii: Lawmakers plan to debate a measure that decriminalizes marijuana
- Illinois: Lawmakers are considering decriminalizing marijuana
- Kentucky: Lawmakers are considering decriminalizing marijuana
- New Hampshire: Lawmakers will be hold a hearing on a bill that decriminalizes marijuana
- New Mexico: Senate lawmakers are considering decriminalizing marijuana
- North Dakota: Lawmakers are considering decriminalizing the possession of marijuana
- South Carolina: Lawmakers are considering decriminalizing marijuana
- Tennessee: Measures were introduced that de-penalize minor marijuana offenses
- Texas: Lawmakers are considering decriminalizing marijuana
State Legislation: Medical
- Florida: Senator introduces “The Florida Medical Marijuana Act”
- Georgia: Medical marijuana legislation was filed for 2015
- Hawaii: Provide safe access to medical marijuana
- Indiana: Senator introduces medical marijuana legislation
- Kansas: Medical marijuana legislation filed in both the House and Senate
- Kentucky: Medical marijuana legislation filed in both chambers
- Michigan: Provide safe access to medical marijuana
- Mississippi: Introduced medical marijuana legislation
- Nebraska: Introduced medical marijuana legislation
- North Carolina: House members introduce the “Enact Medical Cannabis Act”
- South Carolina: Introduced medical marijuana legislation
- Texas: Plans to introduced medical marijuana legislation
- Virginia: A House bill was filed which lets physicians recommend cannabis
Tabled Legislation
- New Mexico: Lawmakers table marijuana legalization
- North Dakota: House votes down medical marijuana legislation
- Virginia: Republican Senators votes down legislation to decriminalize adult marijuana possession