One of the few topics the main three political parties in Germany agree on is legal cannabis and this is an opportunity that we are bullish on.
The socialist party was the last major political party in Germany to back the legal cannabis industry and jumped on the bandwagon with the other two parties.
We believe the political parties are starting to recognize the potential revenue that can be generated from legal cannabis. If Germany was to legalize recreational cannabis, it would join Luxembourg as the second country in the European Union (EU) to legalize it.
Although the conversations around legal cannabis have significantly improved in Germany, there are several topics that need to be figured out before the market opens. From distribution to the sale of cannabis, the political parties want to determine the correct approach to legalization.
Legal cannabis is expected to benefit pharmaceutical companies in Germany and we consider this to be an important aspect of the potential legalization of it. Another key reason for legalizing cannabis is related to the amount of tax revenue that can be generated by it and we find this to be more significant in a post-COVID world.
Germany is the largest market in the EU and the legalization of cannabis could prove to be a major catalyst for the entire sector. Companies that are capitalizing on the German medical cannabis market would be major beneficiaries of regulatory reform and this is a topic we are closely following.
There are still a lot of questions to be answered in regard to regulation and we expect to learn a lot about what a legal market would look like. From benefiting the pharmaceutical industry to improving mental health, we believe there are major benefits to legalizing cannabis in Germany and expect to see a change of legislation in late 2021 or early 2022.
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