An Ohio group called Responsible Ohio released new information about its proposal to legalize marijuana use in Ohio. This proposal could be on the ballot as early as November of this year. If everything goes as planned, any Ohio resident over the age of 21 could legally buy and use marijuana by the summer of 2016. Responsible Ohio plans to submit their proposal to the Ohio Attorney General next month and then they will need to collect over 300,000 signatures before it’s put to a vote this November.
The group laid out some ground rules in an effort to convince their opponents to vote for it.
There would be a new marijuana control commission charged with creating, auditing and enforcing new regulations. Included on the commission would be a licensed physician, a law enforcement officer and five others.
Marijuana will be taxed at 15 percent, which is higher than any of the four states that legalized recreational marijuana. 55% of the tax money would go to the local government with the remainder split among state and county governments.
There can be one store per 10,000 people. The dispensaries can only sell marijuana that is grown at one of 10 grow-sites.
If Responsible Ohio can be responsible for recreational marijuana being passed in Ohio it would be a huge step for the marijuana industry. If it is passed, Ohio would be the first state on the east coast of the United States to have marijuana legal for recreational use. This would create a domino effect with the states around it, especially states like Illinois and Michigan.