ACB $1.430 (1.42%)

ACNNF $0.030 (0%)

AERO $3.210 (0%)

ALEAF $0.050 (-14.97%)

AMMJ $0.048 (12.81%)

APHA $15.380 (0%)

ARNA $99.990 (0%)

ATT:CNX $0.080 (0%)

AUSA:CNX $0.065 (0%)

AUSAF $0.050 (0%)

AVXL $11.060 (-0.98%)

BAMM:CNX $0.130 (0%)

BBM:CNX $0.030 (-14.29%)

BBRRF $0.027 (-3.27%)

BE:CNX $0.005 (0%)

BIO:CNX $0.013 (0%)

BLIS:CNX $0.315 (0%)

BLO:CNX $0.395 (2.6%)

BLOZF $0.308 (2.5%)

BUDZ $0.100 (-9.09%)

CADMF $0.052 (0%)

CALI:CNX $0.085 (13.33%)

CANN $0.230 (-2.13%)

CARA $9.060 (-6.69%)

CBWTF $0.062 (0.16%)

CGC $2.540 (-0.97%)

CGRW $0.016 (-22%)

CHOO:CNX $0.005 (0%)

CHOOF $0.003 (-16%)

CNBX $3.990 (0%)

CNGGF $0.203 (0%)

CODI $22.680 (0.22%)

CPMD $0.020 (-4.81%)

CRBP $0.281 (0.07%)

CRON $3.050 (0.33%)

CROP:CNX $0.015 (0%)

CSI:CNX $0.070 (-12.5%)

CURR $0.349 (2.65%)

CVSI $0.033 (7.49%)

DIGP $0.014 (0%)

EEVVF $0.078 (0%)

EMHTF $0.039 (10.17%)

EPWCF $0.059 (0%)

FFT:CNX $0.040 (0%)

FNNZF $0.075 (13.64%)

GNBT $0.001 (0%)

GRIN:CNX $0.075 (-16.67%)

GRWG $4.840 (-1.83%)

GTBIF $10.150 (-1.46%)

GTII:CNX $13.090 (-1.65%)

GWPH $218.960 (0%)

HEXO $0.196 (-0.56%)

HHPHF $0.079 (0%)

HLSPY $0.363 (0%)

HMLSF $2.800 (0%)

HMPPF $0.498 (0%)

HRVOF $0.023 (-11.07%)

HSTRF $0.135 (0%)

HUGE:CNX $1.180 (-1.67%)

IAN:CNX $0.075 (0%)

IGC $0.520 (-3.02%)

IGXT $0.219 (13.76%)

IIPR $92.910 (-2.5%)

INQD $0.009 (-3.23%)

IONC:CNX $0.005 (0%)

IONKF $0.005 (-2.04%)

ISOL:CNX $0.035 (0%)

ITHUF $0.062 (5.65%)

KBEV:CNX $0.045 (0%)

KHRNF $0.091 (-2.15%)

KSHB $0.695 (0%)

LHS:CNX $1.470 (0%)

LHSIF $1.145 (0%)

LXX:CNX $8.400 (0%)

MCIG $0.028 (0%)

MEDIF $0.057 (1.15%)

MGWFF $0.060 (9.57%)

MJ:CNX $0.050 (0%)

MJNA $0.015 (1.4%)

MNTR $0.040 (0%)

MYM:CNX $0.140 (0%)

MYMMF $0.106 (0%)

NCNNF $0.058 (0%)

NDVAF $0.111 (-6.17%)

NGW:CNX $0.410 (0%)

NRXCF $0.035 (0%)

NSPDF $0.010 (-23.53%)

NVTQF $0.596 (0%)

NWKRF $0.424 (0%)

NXGWF $0.316 (0%)

NXTTF $0.033 (6.61%)

OH:CNX $5.330 (0%)

ORHOF $4.050 (0%)

PHCG $0.001 (0%)

PHVAF $0.038 (0%)

PILL:CNX $0.230 (-17.86%)

PKG:CNX $0.020 (-20%)

PLPRF $0.357 (0%)

PLUS:CNX $0.440 (0%)

PMCB $2.420 (0%)

PNPL $0.012 (0%)

PTNYF $0.018 (3.24%)

QCA:CNX $0.095 (-5%)

RDDTF $0.020 (1.53%)

RLLVF $0.001 (0%)

RMHB $0.028 (2.8%)

RQB:CNX $0.005 (0%)

RQHTF $0.448 (2.99%)

SLNG:CNX $0.095 (-9.52%)

SMG $83.180 (-1.21%)

SNN:CNX $0.155 (0%)

SOL:CNX $0.320 (0%)

SOLCF $0.250 (0%)

SPLIF $0.016 (-15.79%)

SPRWF $0.268 (0%)

STEM:CNX $0.035 (0%)

STMH $0.028 (1.45%)

SUN:CNX $0.150 (0%)

TBPMF $0.052 (3.82%)

TCAN:CNX $0.135 (0%)

TCNAF $0.080 (0%)

TER:CNX $3.480 (-0.57%)

TGEN $1.200 (0%)

TGIF:CNX $0.025 (-16.67%)

TGIFF $0.020 (-12.28%)

THC:CNX $0.048 (0%)

THCBF $0.044 (12.85%)

TLRY $3.540 (1.14%)

TRLFF $0.035 (0%)

TRSSF $2.710 (0.37%)

TURV $0.001 (0%)

VIDA:CNX $0.055 (0%)

VIN:CNX $0.015 (0%)

VPRB $0.047 (-6%)

VRTHF $0.026 (0%)

VVCIF $0.035 (-8.14%)

WAYL:CNX $0.740 (0%)

XXII $1.740 (-12.12%)

ZDPY $0.740 (-2.63%)

ZYNE $1.190 (-0.83%)


Totally Hemp Crazy (THCZ): Does the Risk Outweigh the Reward?

Jun 3, 2015 • 2:21 PM EDT
4 MIN READ  •  By Michael Berger
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Totally Hemp Crazy Inc. (THCZ) manufactures and sells the “Rocky Mountain High” hemp infused drink and is focused on becoming a leader in the hemp-infused beverage industry. Shares of THCZ are up over 1200% during 2015 and many investors cannot figure out why.  

THCZ is led by a management team with a questionable track record. The company has improved its transparency, however, and has provided the market with information related to who its distribution dealers are and how they are doing. 

Recent Developments  

On June 1st, THCZ announced that its list of regional distributors is growing and the company listed the names, numbers, and locations of these distributors. THCZ also said that its revenue is on target to reach the $700,000 projection for the quarter which ends on June 30, 2015. The company’s fiscal year ends on June 30th and THCZ plans to file an audited annual report as part of their plan to move to the OTCQB. THCZ said that they are entering the Los Angeles market this month and LA will be one of the first cities to see the new Rocky Mountain High promotional team.

Timeline of events

  • In August 2014, THCZ hired Rhino Marketing Worldwide to develop a global marketing and launch strategy for its Hemp based beverage products.
  • In December 2014, THCZ announced that they will commence production after the packaging is approved and the company expected the product to be ready to be shipped to the bottling company by January 2015
  • In January, THCZ signed a merchandising agreement with Mr. Checkout, which is a national marketing co-op for a distribution group of approximately 35,000 convenience stores around the country.
  • In early February, THCZ announced that the initial production date for their Rocky Mountain High Hemp-Infused Beverages will be February 16th. Two days after making this announcement, the company secured funding for the initial production run.
  • In March, THCZ shipped its Rocky Mountain High product to three Amazon regional warehouses. The Tennessee warehouse sold out in less than 3 hours. THCZ has received inquiries from Alibaba and other distributors to ship its product internationally. The company is preparing to set up negotiations and upon request will send samples to eligible parties.
  • In mid- April, THCZ hired Paritz & Company to audit the THCZ’s books and assist in filing a Form 10 or S-1 Registration to become fully reporting and move to the OTCQB. The audit should be completed in the summer. THCZ announced that its Rocky Mountain High hemp product arrived to the Water Event warehouse and distribution can commence in Texas. The next day, THCZ signed a distribution agreement with the Dr. Pepper-Royal Crown Bottling Company. This is the second distribution agreement in Oklahoma for the Rocky Mountain High hemp infused product.
  • In late April, THCZ announced that they signed two new distribution partners in Texas for its Rocky Mountain High product. Rocky Mountain High (RMH) Distribution purchased the distribution rights for Austin, Texas. JEKAL Distribution secured the distribution rights for Collin, Denton, Rockwall and Hunt Counties in the northeast Texas.
  • On May 15th, THCZ appointed Harry Drnec as advisor to THCZ’s Board of Directors. Drnec is the former managing director of Red Bull UK. At Red Bull, Drnec turned the company around and increased sales by 10,000% in 10 years (from 3 million cans to 300 million cans). He was also the brand manager that launched Bud Light, the largest selling beer brand in the world with Anheuser Busch, later launching Budweiser and Michelob across Europe. Over the next few months, Drnec will formulate a total marketing plan for THCZ.
  • On May 19th, THCZ announced that 4 new distributors joined the Rocky Mountain High distribution team. The new distributors include: Mad Beez LLC in Minneapolis, Minnesota; Hemp Global Products Inc. in Grand Rapids, Michigan; Epic Group in Ft. Wayne, Indiana; 4orth Enterprises in Fort Worth, Texas. THCZ also announced that last week, its distributor in Austin had an in store demo at a new retail location and the store sold out quickly and received excellent customer reviews. 


These developments paint a positive picture for THCZ and its future, however, the stock has taken investors on a wild ride. The filing of audited financials will improve the company’s market sentiment and remove some of the clouds surrounding the company.

Technical420 remains cautious with THCZ due to track record of its management team, however, we cannot let mistakes made in the past cloud our judgement for the future. If you are interested in investing in THCZ and do not know how or when to invest in them, sign up for a Pro Trader membership at

Technical420 will keep you updated on THCZ developments and help you capitalize on its trading patterns!


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Technical420 LLC is not a FINRA member firm. Technical420 LLC is responsible for the preparation and distribution of research created in the United States. Technical420 LLC is located at 40 SW 13th St. Suite 1002, Miami, FL 33130.

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Authored By

Michael Berger

Michael Berger is Managing Partner of StoneBridge Partners, LLC and Founder of Prior to entering the cannabis industry, Michael was an Equity Research Analyst at Raymond James Financial covering the Energy Sector. Michael has been featured in publications such as The Street, Bloomberg, US Money News, and hosts various cannabis events across North America.


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